The Work of an Elevator Company in Washington DC Helps People With a Certain Level of Disability

by | Jan 9, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

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People who have trouble climbing stairs because of a physical disorder may feel frustrated when they keep hearing advice from fitness and weightloss advisers to avoid elevators and escalators. That’s fine for individuals who don’t have problems with balance, coordination, weakness, or pain in the joints and muscles. Those who cannot safely walk up and down stairs rely on an Elevator Company in Washington DC to help them travel where they want to go.

Then and Now

Centuries ago, a human-powered stair lift was invented to allow King Henry VII to move from one floor of the palace to another when he became unable to climb stairs. Modern elevators powered by machinery were mainly intended to make it easier for everyone to reach the upper floors of buildings, which would then allow architects and engineers to design increasingly taller structures.

Legal Requirements

Owners of commercial buildings are required to have an Elevator Company in Washington DC install equipment that lets people with a certain level of disability easily move to different stories. The same is true for apartment complexes, schools, government buildings, and other multi-story structures. Without access, these individuals essentially deal with discrimination. This could prevent them from accomplishing numerous tasks that others find to be relatively routine, such as getting a job in an office building or taking a continuing education course on campus.

Mobility Issues

Many people who are mobile enough to drive and walk, at least with a walker or cane, would have too much difficulty with stairs to consider the effort. Without elevators, this problem would prevent them from working above the ground floor, staying at multi-story hotels, or going to the second floor of a government building to fill out an application.

Additional Advantages

The work of companies like Elevator Technologies Inc. makes it safer and even possible for these people to accomplish other daily tasks. At work, for instance, they might want to carry a few reams of paper from the first-floor supply room to their third-floor office. Even if they can climb stairs, they may not be able to safely do so without holding onto a railing.

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