There Are Many Questions To Answer In The Wake Of A Car Accident

by | May 4, 2016 | Lawyers

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There are many questions to answer after a car accident; who is the at fault party? Who’s going to pay to repair my car? Who is responsible for paying my medical expenses? Is there any way I can be compensated for my pain and suffering? These are the types of questions that an experienced Chicago car accident attorney can answer for you.

As most car accident attorneys are happy to take a case based on contingency there really is no valid reason for you to even try dealing with a car accident case on your own, especially if the accident resulted in serious injuries.

Attorneys know the law and the rules:

The laws surrounding personal injury cases are very complex, when you hire a Chicago car accident attorney you know that you are being represented by a skilled professional, one who knows the law inside out and knows all the procedural rules that have an impact on your case.

An attorney can file a case on your behalf, having studied the case the attorney will know how to deal with any defenses that might be raised by the defendant. In the event the case cannot be settled out of court, your attorney will not hesitate to pursue justice for you in front of a judge and jury.

You will no doubt be going up against the power and resources of an insurance company legal team, when you have your own attorney you can rest assured that you will be fighting on a level playing field.

Your attorney is your advocate:

Your Chicago car accident attorney is your advocate, your attorney will act on your behalf and for your exclusive benefit throughout the entire process. In the event the case goes to court your attorney will ensure that your side of the story is heard and that you will be compensated for your losses. Contact Chicago Personal Injury Attorney Shea Law Group.

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