If you want to make the most out of your vehicle, then it is vital that you perform regular maintenance. A few simple checks could save you a fortune in the long term, not to mention that it could also prolong the life of your car by years. When checking your car, the first thing you should look at is your engine oil. By having a good level of engine oil in your car, you can help to prevent your car parts from experiencing excessive wear and tear. There are two types of oil available, monograde and multigrade. Monograde oil is the standard oil which lubricates your engine parts and surrounding areas. Multigrade however contains additives that protect your engine, meaning you can go for longer without having to change your oil. Whatever you choose, regular maintenance is crucial to your vehicle.
Engine Coolant
Another thing you should check when maintaining your vehicle is the coolant. This prevents the engine from overheating, protecting both you and your vehicle. Some engines use water in their coolant chamber; however you should make sure that you use coolant if you want to prolong the life of your vehicle. Coolant contains a special formula mixed with tap water, which helps to prevent your radiator from clogging as well as cooling your engine.
Car Gauges
The next important thing to check would be your car gauges. One way to check this would be to start your engine as normal, monitoring your existing gauges to make sure they are in ample condition. Most cars start with a voltage level of 24V, but once the engine starts this escalates to 28V. If your dial isn’t showing this transition, then it may be time to replace your battery. If your battery seems fine, then you may have a problem with your gauge. Many companies offer GM instrument cluster repair services, so you can get your whole gauge set replaced for a minimal fee. This is great for those on a budget, and it can be a great way to customize your ride. After you purchase your gauge, you should make sure that you contact your local distributor to enquire about fitting, as this is crucial if you want your gauge to work properly and last the longest.
D&D Instruments is a well-known provider of GM instrument cluster repair and other related services. Contact them today to find out more.