Things To Consider Before Getting Dental Implants

by | Sep 12, 2014 | Dentistry

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Dental implants have made life a lot simpler for a lot of people since their introduction. There are many benefits to dental implants in Spring TX but it is a good idea to think through all the possibilities before going ahead with this dental procedure. If you are currently considering dental implants there are a few things you might want to keep in mind.

A dentist who does implants will rarely if ever agree to performing the procedure unless there are very good reasons to do so. There are a number of legitimate reasons why the dentist would gladly consider the task; a good example is when reconstructive surgery is required as the result of an accident where there was considerable tooth trauma. Dental implants are also used extensively when a tooth or teeth need to be replaced due to extensive decay or if a tooth was broken off. Before making up your mind and to avoid any disappointments make your first appointment an opportunity to discuss with the dentist whether you are a good candidate or not.

The dentist who will do the implantation will evaluate the condition of your gums and jaw bone. For dental implants in Spring TX to be successful there must be enough solid bone for the titanium implant to adhere to. If the dentist does not believe there is enough solid bone for a successful implant it may be possible to undergo a bone transplant, if this does not appear possible then you will have to look at other dental options.

Once the dentist has finished his or her evaluation and considers you to be a good candidate for the procedure the next step is for you to find out what you can expect. The dentist has a professional obligation to the patient; the dentist must explain to the patient what the risks are as well as the benefits of having a dental implant. This is important as the patient has the opportunity to make an informed decision based on hard facts rather than simply be driven by the desire to have a more attractive smile or to eliminate the need for a removable denture.

There are many benefits including appearance, speech and eating. Although the risks are minimal they do consist of the possibility of infection or nerve damage as well as swelling after the implant has been set.

There is no stock answer when it comes to dental implants in Spring TX but before you jump in with both feet just make sure your dentist appraises you of all the upsides and downsides of the procedure.

When you visit Business Name for dental implants in Spring TX you can be assured of the best dental care using the latest advances in dental technology to give you the smile you have been looking for.

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