Unfortunately, sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) are far more common than one may think. In fact, over 19 million Americans contract an STD every year. However, even as widespread as they are, there are still many misconceptions about them. Here are some facts to know before getting STD Testing in Cincinnati OH.
It’s All In The Name
STDs were originally called VD, or venereal disease. When they were still called VD, they mainly included syphilis and gonorrhea. However, more and more diseases were discovered, and as it became known they were spread by means of sexual contact, they began to be referred to as sexually transmitted diseases.
It’s Not All About Sex
While sex is not the only way that an STD can be transmitted, it is the main way. However, they can also be contracted by transfusions of infected blood (which is quite rare) and the sharing of dirty needles between intravenous drug users. This is why, even if someone is a virgin, if they engage in other unsafe behavior such as using drugs, they need to seek STD Testing in Cincinnati OH.
Keep It Covered
Anyone who engages in unprotected sex is putting themselves at risk for contracting an STD. Contrary to what some may think, it is impossible to tell if someone is infected by outward appearances. Young adults are the highest risk group with over half of all people diagnosed with an STD being between the ages of 15 and 24.
There Is Not Always A Cure
While some STDs, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, may be treated with an antibiotic, there are virus-borne diseases which cannot be cured. Diseases such as HIV, HPV, herpes, and hepatitis may be treated somewhat but they are never fully cured and stay with the person for their entire life.
If you, or someone you know, is infected with an STD or has put themselves at risk for an STD, it is crucial to schedule a test at Esurgentcare.com. Without seeking and getting the needed treatment, the infection may lead to other complications up to, and including, death. There is no reason to be embarrassed, and all testing is completely confidential. You can also follow them on Twitter.