When a patient walks on a stress test treadmill, a great deal of information can be obtained. However, these tests can be a little intimidating for some patients, but they are very important. Here are some details to discuss with your patient about the stress test, to help relieve pre-test anxiety or uncertainty.
What is a Stress Test?
One of the best ways to check the heart is to see it in action. Walking on a stress test treadmill gets the heart beating faster and this treadmill can change angles and gradually increase the load on the heart to see how the patient is responding.
The heart’s blood supply is often reduced by restricted arteries. However, unless the restriction is severe or there is blockage you may feel few symptoms during the day. For example, you may not have any pain or problems until you are working hard on the treadmill and this could be a sign your heart is not receiving sufficient blood supply when it’s under stress.
Options to the Stress Test Treadmill
In some cases, the doctor may order a test without walking on a treadmill. Instead, you lie on a table and a drug is administered intravenously. This speeds up the heart as if it were exercising. It is done for elderly patients and people with mobility concerns. However, a treadmill test is the preferred option because there is no need to administer drugs. Using a stress test treadmill puts the patient under more natural circumstances and this is the best way to assess heart function when possible.
Preparing for Your Stress Test
You will need to take several precautions before you take this test. First, if you are going to be walking on a stress test treadmill you will want to wear comfortable shoes, designed for walking. Athletic or special walking shoes are best and wear clothing which is loose and comfortable too.
Avoid Caffeine
It’s best to avoid all caffeine containing products for at least 24 hours prior to the test. Remember, most sodas have caffeine and some kinds of pain relievers do too. Even decaf tea and coffee contain some caffeine, as does chocolate. Here are more things to remember:
- If you take a beta blocker drug for your heart of hypertension you may need to abstain for a couple of days beforehand. This includes medication like Metoprolol, Inderal, and Tenormin. Beta blockers keep the heart from beating too fast and may interfere with the results of your stress test.
- Make sure your primary care physician and cardiologist are aware of all medications you are taking, including supplements and vitamins.
When your healthcare facility needs stress test treadmill equipment you can depend on Jaken Medical for quality materials.