Things You Should Know when Considering Invisalign Orthodontics in Canada

by | Jun 24, 2015 | Dentistry

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If you or your child needs braces to correct issues with your teeth, you may be thinking about using Invisalign because of its many advantages over traditional braces. Before you make that decision, however, you should know a few things about Invisalign orthodontics in Canada.

What Is Invisalign?

What exactly is Invisalign? Invisalign is a modern teeth straightening device. Unlike traditional braces, which are made of metal, Invisalign is made of a smooth, clear, and comfortable plastic.

Also unlike traditional braces, the Invisalign device is only attached to your teeth by friction. They can be detached by the wearer very easily and at any time when this is necessary.

This can make many daily tasks much simpler. Tasks like eating, brushing and flossing can be very difficult and frustrating with traditional braces. With Invisalign orthodontics, however, when it comes time to eat your favorite food, brush or floss, you can simply remove the device, and go about the task just as you normally would.

Traditional braces can also cause cuts and scrapes inside your mouth, which can even lead to infection. That problem virtually vanishes with Invisalign.

Will Invisalign Work with My Teeth?

Invisalign will work with most teeth alignment issues. Invisalign can correct teeth with issues like gaps, crossbite, overbite, underbite, and crowding.

However, there are some more extreme problems that only traditional braces will be able to solve. If your teeth are severely rotated, you may not be able to use Invisalign. Extremely pronounced cases of all other alignment issues may also need braces.

It’s your orthodontist’s job to make sure you receive the best oral care, so be sure to inquire with them to find out if Invisalign will work for you or not.

Are There Any Disadvantages of Invisalign?

As is also true with traditional braces, it is possible to develop a slight lisp with Invisalign. In addition, although having the option to remove Invisalign is an advantage in many cases, some may find it bothersome to remove the device when it’s time to eat or brush. On the same topic, because Invisalign can easily be removed, some patients keep them off too frequently. If you and your orthodontist decide that Invisalign is right for you, remember that you should wear the device for as much time as possible in order to have an effective treatment.

Since Invisalign is removed for brushing, it will need to be cleaned separately, which some may also find tedious.

Of course, these are all very minor issues in comparison to those that many have with regular braces.

Will My Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Most insurance plans view Invisalign just as they do traditional braces. If your plan covers braces, it will most likely cover Invisalign as well. Check with your insurance company or your orthodontist to find out if the device is covered.

Invisalign can correct teeth with issues like gaps, crossbite, overbite, underbite, and crowding. Contact Dr Normand Bach for quality Invisalign orthodontic services in Canada.

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