Many people have a less-than perfect smile. However, you don’t have to live with one for the rest of your life. If you’d like to smile brighter but haven’t yet considered having a cosmetic dental procedure done, here are three ways a cosmetic dentist can help you achieve your goals:
Teeth Whitening
Your teeth can become stained for many different reasons, including using tobacco products, taking certain medications (such as tetracycline), or even eating or drinking dark foods like blueberries or coffee. When the discoloration becomes noticeable, it may be time to see a cosmetic dentist. Your Cosmetic Dentist in Central West End will be able to use a strong hydrogen peroxide solution to break apart the stains on your teeth so that they wash away and reveal a brighter surface underneath.
Dental Implants
Whether it’s due to an injury or poor oral hygiene, dealing with missing teeth can be both embarrassing and dangerous to your oral health. Allowing this problem to go unchecked can lead to crooked teeth and the loss of your jawbone. A qualified cosmetic dentist may be able to help you combat this problem with dental implants, which are tooth-shaped prosthetic attached to a metal post that is fused to your jawbone. This way, you be able to chew and speak without reservation, while preserving both your jawbone and the surrounding teeth.
For some people, the damage to their teeth is not quite as extensive as tooth loss. If you have one or more teeth that are chipped, cracked, or misshapen, you may want to look into having a Cosmetic Dentist in Central West End create a set of veneers for you. Veneers are composite resin shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth to create the appearance of a perfect smile. Because the procedure is non-invasive, you’ll be able to have the smile you desire in no time.
If you want to get on the path to a healthier smile, consider visiting the best cosmetic dentist at Forest Park Dental Care of Central West End. A skilled professional like Dr. Eric J Aubert at Forest Park Dental will be able to assess your unique needs and create a solution that’s just right for you. Get in touch with the team at Forest Park Dental today to find out more about how you can finally achieve the brightest smile you’ve ever had.