Some veterans come home from the battlefields with visible scars and disabilities. However, there are countless more hiding in the background who would qualify for veterans disability benefits but they don’t have obvious symptoms or noticeable ailments. Take these timely legal tips from a 20 year experienced veterans benefits attorney from New York to learn more.
Many Soldiers Develop Traumatic Brain Injuries Due to Explosions
In war, the military makes use of powerful equipment and explosive devices. Even if the soldier is still on American soil and just learning the ropes, being unexpectedly exposed to loud explosions from a grenade, bomb or other explosive item can do tremendous damage both to the inner ear structures and the brain. In fact, many veterans may not even realize that they have any of this damage until quite sometime later.
Mental Health Disorders Like PTSD Afflict Many Veterans
Veterans are prone to the development of a number of mental health disorders. These include depression, severe anxiety and panic attacks and PTSD. PTSD can cause painful and horrific flashbacks of whatever stresses the soldier might have experienced. It is common for these flashbacks and sometimes hallucinations to occur suddenly without warning. PTSD is another possible disabling mental health diagnosis.
When to Seek Legal Counsel
Many veterans are unaware of the benefits that may be due to them if they become disabled and unable to work a meaningful job. Contact Jackson & MacNichol, a veterans benefits attorney for New York veterans.