Tips for Applying Makeup to Bring Life to Any Face Type

by | Aug 16, 2019 | Skin care

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The face is often a palette for you to create beautiful images on, such as adding color to the eyelids or gently bringing the cheeks to life. If you enjoy blending colors and making people feel beautiful, then consider being a makeup artist in Petaluma. Aside from traditional makeup techniques, you can apply makeup that is worn for special events.


Before applying any makeup to the person’s face, you need to moisturize the skin. Try to have a moisturizer on hand for all skin types, but if you know that you’re going to be working with multiple types of skin, then consider getting a few products that are designed for oily or dry skin specifically, so that you will have them when they are needed.

Adding Warmth

If you’re trying to add a touch of warmth to the person’s skin, then you want to use neutral colors as well as shades of peach or light pink. These will make the face look alive and vibrant instead of pale and lifeless. If the person has a lot of redness on the face, then consider applying makeup for sensitive skin and that is a darker shade to hide the redness.

Liquids and Powders

As a makeup artist in Petaluma, you need to know when to use powders and when to use liquids. In order to get a nice blend to cover the face, you can combine a small amount of each product that can then be applied to the face. Apply bronzer and similar products before you apply the foundation. You can then begin to add the colors that you want to the eyes, lips, cheeks, and other areas of the face to complete the look that the person desires. Keep in mind that you should begin with one or two light touches of color before getting darker.

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