When looking for bail bonds, you’re already in a very heightened state of anxiety and stress. With all of the other legal issues that may need to be attended to, getting a bail bonds secured may help give you peace of mind so that you can tend to the other parts of your case. Before you schedule an appointment for bailbond Norman OK, check out the following tips below.
Start the process right away
Occasionally, securing a bond can take longer than expected. Things that may hold up getting a bond include things like what day of the week it is or the time of day. In order to make sure that you get your bond as soon as possible, start the process early. This can help ensure that you are or your loved one is released as soon as possible.
Find out what type of collateral is going to be needed to secure the bond. Anything from credit cards to jewelry to homes are often used as collateral. Read the collateral terms carefully so that you’re aware of your rights.
Find Out the Premium
Find out from a bail bondsman exactly how much the bail premium will be. The bail premium is the amount of money that you pay the bondsman in order for them to pay the bail. The premium is usually about 10 percent to 15 percent of the amount that the court has ordered.
Securing a bailbond Norman OK doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Schedule an appointment with us by phone or through our website so that we can help.