Tips For Setting Up A Coolant Return System

by | Sep 18, 2019 | Machinery and Equipment

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One of the biggest challenges for any machining service or shop is to reduce the operating costs. A continual source of ongoing costs in these types of operations, over and above consumables and equipment repairs and maintenance, is the cost of coolant.

Trying to maximize the use of existing coolant is only moderately effective, particularly if coolant filtering is only completed infrequently. In only doing a complete sump cleaning once or twice a year, the machine shop runs the risk of increasing the wear on cutting tools and equipment, while also having a longer downtime to complete a full sump cleanout and machine reservoir cleanout.

The Solution

A better option is to set up a central coolant filtration solution that includes a coolant return system. These systems can be set up to continually cycle coolant through the filtration system and back through the coolant return system, constantly filtering to remove tramp oils and particles in the fluid that leads to equipment damage and failure.

With the use of the central style of coolant filtration system, piping is run from the sump or sumps in the shop to the filtration unit. Here the contaminated coolant is filtered, and the system automatically tops up the volume on a continual basis, ensuring all equipment has optimal coolant levels.

At the same time, the combination of the filtration unit and the coolant return system helps to decrease the downtime required to complete the annual or semi-annual sump cleanout. With less oil and fewer particles in the coolant, there is less buildup in the sump, making the process easier and less time-consuming.

With the system fully automated, your team is free to work on their projects and orders and allow the system to manage the coolant maintenance and filtration. This also eliminates human error and oversight, and prevent a costly mistake of failing to follow manual coolant filtration schedules.

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