Tips to Follow Before Calling for Spiders Removal Services in Arlington VA

by | Aug 3, 2017 | Pest Control

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Very few people actually like spiders, even the harmless ones. Autumn is on its way, and with it will come an influx of spiders into American homes. If a homeowner wants to enjoy fall without eight-legged houseguests, they can use these tips before calling for Spiders Removal Services in Arlington VA.

Keep Things Tidy

Cutting down on household clutter can give spiders fewer spots to hide. Keep food sealed so it doesn’t attract other pests, which can attract spiders. Keep floors clean and vacuum them regularly to prevent the harboring of egg sacs and webs.

Seal Any Cracks

The best way to keep spiders out is to prevent them from getting in. Patch up gaps, holes and cracks in windows and doors to keep spiders from getting inside, and repair torn screens if necessary. Most spiders are found in basements, bathrooms and other moist areas, which makes it doubly important to seal cracks in these areas.

Apply Residual Pesticides

Spiders Removal Services in Arlington VA can spray the home with commercial pesticides containing pyrethrins. It’s important for homeowners to understand the limits of these pesticides; if spiders avoid sprayed areas, they will be of little benefit to the homeowner.

Use Vinegar or Natural Oils to Drive Them Away

Spiders are known to dislike the smell of tea tree, citrus, eucalyptus or peppermint oil. Use a mixture of water and essential oil to spray the corners and crevices of the house. If that does not work, try spraying the spiders themselves with vinegar. Finally, spiders are averse to the smell of horse chestnuts. For a natural, safe and eco-friendly spider preventative put a few horse chestnuts in areas where they’re known to gather.

If a home has a significant number of spiders, the owner should consider calling a pest control expert. A large number of house spiders can indicate that there are other pests in the home. For severe infestations, it is best to call a company like Pest Management Services in Arlington VA for advice. If a homeowner believes they have a problem with spiders, they can call today for experienced, professional service.

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