Tips to Lower Your AC Bills

by | Apr 12, 2017 | Air Conditioning

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Winter is quickly fading into the background and warm weather is on the way. While this is a welcomed change for many across the country there is one drawback to the warmer weather- AC bills can get out of hand quickly. This is especially true in areas known for their oppressive heat like Florida, Louisiana, and Arizona. In addition to trusting a reputable company for your air conditions repair services in Chicago IL you can also try these helpful tips to lower your AC bills this season:

  • Improve Plantings Around Your House – the way you landscape your yard can help lower your bills. Planting trees to provide shade and to block sun from getting into the windows can go a long way in helping reduce the energy usage for your cooling needs.
  • Cover Your Windows- using shade screens, blinds, and curtains to cover the windows during the hotter parts of the day can help keep the interior of your home cooler and let you leave the AC off.
    Raise the Thermostat 5 Degrees- shifting the thermostat to stay on for 5 more degrees than normal can shave hours of run time off the day and really save you money each month on your bills during the summer months.
  • Use Fans as Much as Possible- keep windows open and use fans in the house as much as possible. Moving air is cooler than stagnant air so the simple act of having the ceiling fan going or having an oscillating fan set up can help keep a room several degrees cooler!
  • Limit Cooking During Hot Spells- try to stay out of the kitchen as much as you can during the hot periods. If you do cooking, try to get it all done in one day and stock pile it for the rest of the week. Using the stove and oven will add heat to the home quickly so avoid it if possible.
  • Stay Up on Repairs and Maintenance-  work with a company you trust for your air conditions repair services in Chicago IL and stay on top of all recommended maintenance each and every month!

For help with all of your HVAC and system needs, contact Oasis Heating today and set up your consultation appointment today!

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