To Get The Help You Need After Your Accident, Talk To Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers In Baltimore

by | Nov 27, 2015 | Lawyers

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When someone is injured in an accident, the most important thing they have to do is to recover and get back to their life. They don’t want to get involved in a complicated lawsuit. However, talking to experienced persomal injury lawyer in Baltimore and filing a lawsuit may be the only way that an accident victim can receive just compensation for their injuries.

Protect Your Rights After an Accident

It’s important that these actions be taken as soon as possible after the accident, before evidence is lost and witnesses disappear.

Notes and Pictures: Write down a personal record of all of the details of the accent. Memory fades quickly. Take pictures at the time of the accident, if possible, or soon after the accident. If taking pictures on a later day, take them at the same time as the accident and in similar weather conditions.

Witnesses: It’s important to obtain contact information from witnesses to the accident, even if they don’t want to be involved. Don’t count on the police report to contain all of the information that might be needed later.

Be Careful What is Said: In Maryland, if an accident victim is held partly to blame for the accident, they cannot collect any compensation from the other person or their insurance company. If the accident is serious, with extensive medical bills, lost wages and other damages, discuss the case with personal injury lawyers in Baltimore before giving statements to an insurance company representative. Do not give recorded statements.

Determining Negligence in an Accident

All people are obligated to use ordinary and reasonable care to protect others from being injured. Being negligent means that someone had a duty to act carefully and did not do so, resulting in injuries to someone else. Before someone can receive compensation for their injuries, it’s necessary to prove that the other party was negligent and is legally responsible for the injuries. In Maryland, the person who caused the accident must be found 100% responsible for the accident; this is a critical point in a personal injury lawsuit.

At the Law Offices of Frank E. Turney, P.A., they have extensive experience with the complexities of Maryland law and in assisting injured persons to receive the compensation for their injuries that they are entitled to. Call for a free consultation to learn about your legal options during this troubling time.

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