Too Many Neighbors Watching? Privacy Fences in Minneapolis Will Help

by | Dec 12, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

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People install Privacy Fences in Minneapolis so that they can enjoy their yards without people watching them. Parents feel safer letting their children play where strangers can’t see them. Swimmers can enjoy their pools without everyone seeing them in their swimsuits. In the case of the pool owners, a pool that is out of sight is less temptation to neighborhood children. Generally Privacy Fences are at least six fee tall. Many communities allow fences that height without a permit, taller ones usually require municipal review.

The Dakota Unlimited fence company has many styles available for homeowners to choose from. Once they have decided how high they want the fence to be, they can choose a material. Red cedar wood is a very popular choice. Many people worry that installing a fence on their boundary will offend their neighbors. When they select a beautiful material and have a custom design created, neighbors often consider it an asset. While Privacy Fences Minneapolis are tall and dense by definition, design details such as top railings and lattices can make them look lighter. Beautifully arched gates can allow access to the yard.

For homeowners that want a fence that requires less maintenance, they can install a vinyl privacy fence. Vinyl has a similar appearance to wood and never has to be repainted. When it gets dirty the homeowner can just rinse it off with a hose or power washer. There are many different colors of paint to choose from.

Customers can opt to have Dakota Unlimited employees install their fence for them. As a full service fence company they will handle all aspects of the fence installation. This includes obtaining any necessary municipal and county permits, finding and marking utility lines, surveying the location of the fence and performing any needed excavation. The company is also willing to work with do-it-yourself homeowners who want to install their own fence. They have a showroom where their experienced staff will help these homeowners select their materials. Customers can have the company do part of the work and they can do the rest. For example, they may ask the company to excavate the post holes and then install the fence themselves.

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