Tree Trimming has Many Benefits

by | May 8, 2019 | Tree Removal Service

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Just as some flowering plants are trimmed so that their appearance and health are maintained it is essential to trim trees as part of your regular routine.

In Maui locations, tree growth is typically robust and this means it is a good idea to give your trees an annual trim.

In locations where hurricanes or high winds are possible, a yearly trim can shape the tree so that it will be less vulnerable. Carefully considered branch removal will not only improve the look of the tree, it will create spaces so that high winds may pass through the crown of the tree rather than push against it as if it were a sail and therefor causing damaging or destroying the tree.

Fruit bearing trees benefit from a yearly trimming and shaping. This process not only improves the look of the tree, it will increase the yield. Citrus trees can quickly spread out to look like like a bush and the increased number branches affects fruit production in numbers and in quality. Careful trimming of a citrus tree on a yearly basis assures its health and appearance for many years. And before the fruit there is the peasant aroma of the flowers too enjoy.

Palm trees as they grow will shed fronds and as these often remain on the tree unless removed can reduce the plants aesthetic value. Dead fronds can detached but you should approach palms with less trimming than you might do with evergreens or deciduous trees. Palm trees do not become thicker or more robust with trimming despite common mythology. The dead fronds and seeds may be trimmed especially if it is determined that these could be blown off and do damage in a storm or high wind.

Regular trimming also allows for the discovery and treatment of diseases or insect infestations. These can develop slowly and not be noticed for several years in trees that have not had consistent trimming. The same is the case for dead branches or weakened branches. These would be removed during trimming so that the tree is safer and healthier.

The tree trimming in Maui should be a regular part of your yearly home maintenance process, where, as was said before, conditions encourage rapid growth. But it should be understood that each type of tree has its own growth pattern and some care must be taken when scheduling tree trimming. A good plan is to work regularly with a tree maintenance service. Many of these keep track of your trees, inspect as they trim and by understanding the growth patterns of various tree species can see that they are trimmed at the proper time of the year.

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