Truck Emissions Inspections in York, PA Reduce Pollution

by | Jul 11, 2019 | auto repair

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If you drive a heavy-duty diesel truck, you know the importance of having your emissions tested. The first federal emission regulations were introduced back in 1974. Current mandated emission standards for heavy-duty diesel trucks were phased in over a short period.

Making Inspections a Priority

That is why truck emissions inspections in York, PA are made a priority, especially for truck drivers who must drive their trucks a good deal of the time. Not only do mechanics test for emissions limits but they also check the idle CO emission standard. This standard, set at 0.5%, applies to any compression-ignited engine fueled by methanol since 1990, powered by diesel since 1988, and operated with natural gas or LPG since 1995.

Checking Smoke Opacity

Truck emissions inspections also include checking the smoke opacity. Since 1974, smoke opacity limits have been enforced. Some other provisions have also been enforced over time. For example, mechanics check for crankcase ventilation, including accounting for any deterioration of the exhaust system.

Ammonia Emissions

When scheduling truck emissions inspections, you should also focus on ammonia emissions. Naturally, the rules have been established to reduce the overall carbon footprint, which is exceptionally important if you regularly drive a semi-truck.

Where to Get Emissions Testing Performed

Once you have emissions tested, you can find out if any repairs are needed in the far or distant future. You can learn more about these standards by visiting website domain online. Do all that you can to contribute to a cleaner environment and have your truck tested today.

Keep Your Semi-Truck in Peak Running Condition

Make sure that you take the appropriate steps to keep the air cleaner and keep your truck in peak running condition. Emissions testing should be performed for all types of vehicles. If you drive a semi-truck, having this testing conducted will help you determine what else may need maintenance or repairs. Contact an emissions testing site close to where you live today.

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