Types and Uses of Commercial Glass in Brooklyn MI

by | Sep 8, 2017 | Business

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There are three main types of Commercial Glass in Brooklyn MI, and they are soda lime, silica and borosilicate. The properties and appearance of these kinds of glass are very different, and as such, they are used in different applications. Individuals who want to make use of commercial glass in their homes or business premises should understand the unique characteristics of each kind of glass.


This kind of glass is regarded as the most resilient type of commercial glass. It contains a huge quantity of silica, small amounts of boric oxide and alkalis as well as a minute amount of aluminum oxide. The low alkali content of borosilicate glass makes it very durable and resistant to assorted chemicals and thermal shocks.

Uses of Borosilicate

Borosilicate is used in the manufacture of different kinds of lab equipment such as test tubes, beakers, pipettes, etc. It is mostly used in pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Due to its high heat resistant, it is also used to manufacture different kinds of cooking equipment and kitchenware. Click here to know more.

Soda Lime Glass

This kind of glass is known for its lack of color and is mostly used in the manufacture of windows. It is primarily composed of calcium and sodium and is also known as “float glass.” It is susceptible to thermal expansion and its resistance to thermal shocks is lower than that of borosilicate glass.

Uses of Soda Lime Glass

Due to its colorless nature and ability to transmit visible light, it has been used in the window manufacturing industry for centuries. It also has high durability and can withstand the effects of powerful chemicals. It is the preferred material for the manufacture of glass jars.

Silica Glass

This is the most delicate type of commercial glass and consists mostly of sand. It is transparent and thin and is used to manufacture UV filters for eyeglasses. Due to its high content of sand, the process of melting down silica glass is very difficult, and as such, it is more expensive than other kinds of glass.

Individuals who want to make use of Commercial Glass in Brooklyn MI should visit Maple City Glass Inc. For more information and to make inquiries about their services, visit the website.

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