Types of Commercial Lighting in New York City

by | Apr 17, 2015 | Electricians

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Commercial Lighting in New York City is the types of light fixtures that are found in hospitals, offices, stores and any other location, besides homes. Most fixtures are selected by thinking about the actual needs of the people who use the building, in addition to the design and look they offer. In most cases, the commercial lighting options that used are designed by either interior designers or architects, with the help of electrical engineers. Some of the most common types of commercial lighting fixtures are highlighted here.

Fluorescent Lights

The tubular lights you see at department stores, schools and a number of other locations are by far the most popular option. They are usually recessed into a suspended ceiling and then have a cover placed on them with a textured or frosted lens. The lights usually include between one to four bulbs and offer one of the longest lasting and energy efficient options available.

Metal Halides

This option, which is also referred to as high-intensity discharge lighting, is usually found in industrial or warehouse applications. They usually consist of a type of ceiling mounted fixture that features lenses and bulbs of different sizes. The lights are able to produce a large amount of extremely bright light, which allows them to light larger spaces adequately. While these lights are somewhat inefficient, there are new options that are considered to be comparable to the more popular fluorescent lights when comparing energy consumption.

Incandescent Lighting

This is considered to be an old type of lighting technology and they are usually found in desk lamps, downlights and a number of other fixtures. The bulbs that are created with this technology will have a shorter lifespan and they are usually extremely inefficient. The bulbs are often found in various commercial settings because they are cheap and available from a number of different sources.

For more information about Commercial Lighting in New York City, contact Integrity Eletric today. Here you can talk with professionals in the industry who understand how to help you find the right bulbs for your needs. Take your time and consider your business and chances are you will be able to find the right lighting fixture for the space.

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