Understanding Litigation Requirements For Auto Accidents In Olympia

by | Nov 14, 2014 | Lawyer

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In the state of Washington, all auto accident victims must file a claim through the court within three years. After the third anniversary of the accident, he or she forfeits their rights to a settlement and can no longer make any attempt to receive compensation. If you wish to explore litigation for Auto Accidents in Olympia today, you should contact Sadler Ladenburg Olympia promptly.

Understanding Insurance Requirements

All drivers in Washington are required to maintain at least liability auto insurance. The valuations assigned to these requirements are $25,000 for anyone injured in the accident with a maximum of $50,000. The policy must also provide $10,000 for property damage, which includes the vehicle and any surrounding items that were involved in the collision. Any driver caught without insurance is subject to fines and possible suspensions.

Reviewing Shared Fault Probabilities

When Auto Accidents in Olympia involve traffic violations or criminal infractions, the blame is sometimes shared among drivers. For instance, if the victim who has filed a claim was speeding or intoxicated at the time of the accident, he or she is also at fault. In some circumstances, they are deemed the primary party to blame. Accidents with injuries caused by a DUI will lead to criminal prosecution in most circumstances.

When the court deems that the victim shared the fault in the accident, the judge determines the valuation of fault. The percentage assigned determines how much of the accident settlement is deducted due to fault. In cases where the driver was deemed fifty or more percent at fault, the judge can refuse a settlement or monetary damages.

Litigation often is involved after Auto Accidents in Olympia today. These personal injury cases are based on negligence and avoidable circumstances in most cases. If the accident leads to an injury, the driver could face criminal charges if he or she was breaking the law. Among the most common causes of accidents, involving traffic infractions occurred because a driver was intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, or driving recklessly. To learn more about how you can file a personal injury claim, contact your preferred attorney today. Browse website for more information.

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