Understanding the Process of Bail Bonding in Oberlin Louisiana

by | Jul 24, 2019 | Bail Bonds Service

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Being arrested is not an event that anyone looks forward to experiencing. No matter what type of circumstances apply, the prospect of spending time in jail while waiting for the court date does not hold much appeal. Fortunately, the process of Bail Bonding in Oberlin Louisiana can allow the individual to remain free until that court date.

How Does the Bonding Work?

Bail Bonding in Oberlin Louisiana is a financial arrangement that takes place between the court and a bonding agency. In many instances, a judge will set a bail amount soon after the arrest. Acting on behalf of the accused party, a bondsman will pledge that bail to the court. In exchange for providing this service, the client pays the bondsman a free that amounts to a specified percentage of that bond. Once the bond is paid, the client is released from jail and is free to go about his or her daily routine until the court date. On that date, he or she is expected to appear in court at the appointed time. Once the client appears in the court, the obligation of the bonding company is considered fulfilled.

What if the Client Does Not Show Up in Court?

If the client fails to appear for his or her court date, then the court will notify the company providing the Bail Bonding in Oberlin Louisiana immediately. Since the bondsman has a financial obligation to the court, steps are taken to locate the client and turn the person over to the appropriate legal authorities. Depending on the reasons for the failure to appear, the bondsman may be willing to take a second chance and provide bail a second time. This is especially true when circumstances beyond the control of the client led to the failure to appear. Bonding companies like Fuselier Bail Bonding work closely with courts to secure the release of clients as soon as possible. Once contacted, the bondsman will determine when the judge will hear the preliminary case and set bail, and be on hand to pledge that bail. Once the bail is pledged, it will only take a short time for the client to be released and be free to begin planning his or her defense.

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