Use A Mobile Event App For Your Next Conference

by | Feb 11, 2014 | Computers

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Most companies, organizations, businesses and agencies participate in professional development events, trade shows and conferences. This usually includes both assisting with the organization and development of the conference or event as sending delegates as attendees, participants or sponsors. Organization for all involved is often challenging as traditional print materials can easily become outdated, sometimes even before they are distributed. The answer to this is using a mobile event app to keep everyone up to date on the conference or event.

Cost Savings

Printing hard copy conference agendas, meeting information and information on speakers is a major cost with any event. In addition, this print material is really single time use so, from an environmental perspective, it is not at all efficient, effective or “green”.

By using a ConBop mobile event app you can minimize or completely eliminate print for attendees. You will have the ability to simply use the app to provide all the information that everyone from organizers to speakers and audience members will need, all without spending any money on paper, printing and mailing.

Time Saving

Having one central location to make all the changes necessary to keep the participants, speakers and sponsors immediately aware of any changes, additions or deletions is a great feature of a mobile conference app that simply cannot be overstated. Rather than trying to get information to people at the event about these changes you can simply enter the data into the app control panel and everyone at the conference will immediately get a notification of the change. This saves time in putting up signs, dispatching volunteers to make announcements or trying to redirect people at the last minute.

Stress Reduction

Using a mobile event app takes all the stress out of the event. If you forget something, need to check on a room number, want directions to the location or answers to any other number of questions you can easily just look on any internet connected device to get up to the minute information.

This stress reduction factor is a big issue and one that makes a mobile event app well worth considering for your next event from a major conference or trade show to a small meeting. There are a range of different features you can access to fully customize the display, which is always a valued tool to promote sponsors or your organization.

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