Using First-Hand Holocaust Survivor Stories For U.S. History Curriculum

by | Jun 30, 2021 | Education

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There are many ways to teach history to students. However, not all approaches have the same impact and effectiveness.

History of The Holocaust and WWII

No other event in the history of the world has had such a powerful impact as the events of the Holocaust and World War II. In Europe, the impacts were personal and cataclysmic. Cities across Europe were decimated by bombing, while millions of Jews and people of other ethnicities were ripped from their homes and communities.

Yet few Americans know that while these events were horrific and life-changing for Europeans, they also forever changed America. From the late 1930s through 1946, just after WWII, over a half-million Europeans, many of whom were Jewish, entered the United States for asylum. This included world-famous genius and physicist Albert Einstein, who fled to America in 1938.

Using Personal Holocaust Survivor Stories in Education

There is no more significant impact on a student than bringing history to life. That is why one of the most effective ways of teaching students about this period is through the use of a personal holocaust survivor story. No matter what age the student is from middle school on through college, the personal stories bring the events of this time into sharp focus and make them memorable and deeply personal.

If you are looking for a first-hand account for students, the personal holocaust survivor story of Ben Lesser of the Zachor Foundation is a vital resource. His testimony and life experience bring powerful substance and meaning to students of all ages. You can learn more about his story and his holocaust resources at URL

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