What Does A Seller’s Agent In Mesa AZ Do?

by | Sep 24, 2015 | Real Estate

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If you are like most people, you have heard of real estate agents, but may not know the difference between a listing and seller’s agent, or what they do in Mesa, AZ. Most people seem to think that these agents show your house to potential buyers (if you’re the seller), or shows you homes and helps you find the right one (if you’re the buyer). While they do that, there are so many other hats that they wear, and it may be helpful to learn about what they do so you can utilize everything they offer.

Showing Houses

A tiny part of the seller’s agent job is to show houses to potential buyers. This will include getting things ready, bringing in potential customers and explaining/showing everything of interest. Most people only notice this part of the process, though agents can do so much more, especially if they are full-service agents.


Everyone has two sets of numbers when selling. The first number is what they hope they get and is usually very high. This number may include all the recent renovations you’ve done on the house, and you’ll probably add in sentimental value. The second number is the resale number, or the number you will be most likely to get. Most people overprice their homes, so agents can come in and give you a fair price that will help the home sell quickly.


Advice can be worth its weight in gold, especially if you’re a first-time seller. Most people have no idea how to present their homes in the best way. It is always good to have something baking, or if you cannot do that, have a scented candle that smells of cinnamon or vanilla. You’ll also want to have everything clean, remove sentimental items, and reduce clutter.


Unless you want to do a ton of research, you probably won’t know how to market your home. By today’s standards, marketing has indeed changed and in most cases, you aren’t targeting buyers anymore, but instead are trying to attract other agents. Real estate agents in Mesa AZ have an extensive list called the MLS, which helps list all available homes for anyone else to see. You will have a tough to impossible time getting your home on that list without the assistance from other agents.

A seller’s agent in Mesa, AZ offers so much for so little, so it may be a good idea to consider one when selling your home. Visit Business Name today to learn more about them.

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