What Everyone Needs to Know About Dental Implants in Chicago

by | Oct 1, 2018 | Dental Services

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Dental Implants in Chicago have many myths that seem to puzzle potential patients. The necessity of this article is dictated by low awareness and inadequate information, either gained from the Internet, or from neighbors and friends. It will debunk myths, as it talks about implant treatment from a wide prospective. If you have any questions, contact your dentist.

MYTH ONE: Dental Implants are risky and have many contraindications.

FACT: Implantology has, like any method of treatment, its indications and contraindications. But only part of the contraindications are related to the absolute treatment. Categorically they preclude dental implantation. Most contraindications to implantation are relative and can be resolved after appropriate treatment.

MYTH TWO: Installing Dental Implants in Chicago is a long and painful procedure.

FACT: Everything that is related to dental treatment is often associated with intolerable pain and fear. This is a myth – a simple retelling of the horror stories about dental treatment. Modern anesthesia allow installing implants almost painlessly – with the same feeling as the conventional treatment of caries. The installation of a single implant requires 20 to 40 minutes. Of course, much depends on the anatomy of the jaw, the position of the implant, and the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Typically, it is a two-stage procedure though.

MYTH THREE: Implantation involves sky-high prices.

FACT: Today’s market allows for tough competition, and as a result of which dentists are forced to cut prices. By virtue, the same competitive quality is improved. Today, implantation can be a premium and/or economy class, and is available for many patients.

MYTH FOUR: Unlike Dental Implants in Chicago, prices for conventional prosthetics are much lower.

FACT: Yes, dental implants prices are high, but you should keep in mind that there is a lot involved during implantation. And when you consider that implants last much longer, it is well worth the money spent.

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