What Options Are Available Through A Family Medical Clinic In Andover, Kansas?

by | Jul 3, 2017 | Health

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In Kansas, local families need primary care to manage health concerns as they arise. They also need treatment for existing conditions to prevent serious risks to their health. Through a local family practice, the families can receive a variety of services to ensure they remain healthy throughout their lives. A Family Medical Clinic in Andover Kansas offers a multitude of services to local families.

Assessing the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Patients with a family history of cardiovascular disease must undergo frequent assessments. If they begin to exhibit any symptoms of the disease, the doctor must follow proper protocols to mitigate risks. This may include creating a diet and exercise plan for the patient. It could also include an evaluation of the patient’s arteries.

Careful Monitoring for Diabetic Patients

Diabetic patients require extensive care to lower common risks. The doctor provides assessments to lower the chances of infections and stabilize the blood glucose levels. The doctor provides the patient with medication based on the type of diabetes the patient has. They also provide testing equipment for patients to monitor their levels at home. The doctor can provide the patients with access to specialists and other doctors to mitigate any further risks associated with the disease.

Cancer Screenings for Women and Men

Primary care doctors provide women and men with cancer screenings. They can utilize the screenings to detect cancer at an earlier and treatable stage. If cancer is discovered, the doctor can provide the patient with access to oncologists in their network to acquire cancer treatments.

Annual Checkups and Wellness Assessments

All patients have access to an annual checkup through their major health insurance coverage. The checkup helps the doctor to determine if the patient has any signs of new illnesses. They also assess the patient’s existing conditions as well.

In Kansas, local families approach a primary care physician to acquire health care. The doctor offers a variety of services to include, but are not limited to, the treatment of common conditions such as the flu and viruses. They also provide testing for diseases found within the patient’s family medical history. Local patients who want to acquire services through a Family Medical Clinic in Andover Kansas can Contact Wichita Family Medicine Specialists LLC today.

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