Pool resurfacing extends the life of the pool and makes it safer for use and more visually appealing. Hire an expert for the process of resurfacing because it can take a week or more to complete the project. Shortcuts or incorrect materials or procedures during the repair may make it necessary to immediately resurface the pool again. Damage could also take place if mistakes occur during the process. Resurfacing is a complex task and is not generally something homeowners should attempt on their own.
Repairs of Surface Material
Over time the use of the pool and the chemicals used to keep it clean will wear out the finish coat for the surface of the pool. Regardless of the material used, some type of wear will occur. Signs of problems depend on the type of surface and can include discoloration of the material, peeling paint or flaking plaster. Cracks in the surface, as well as a loss of fiberglass fibers, are additional signs of surfacing issues.
Durability of the Products
The lifespan of the materials used for resurfacing in Nassau County NY varies some, but the quality of the application also affects how soon a resurfacing must take place. White plaster or polished finishes usually wear out soonest and exposed pebble tends to last longest. Almost all finishes need resurfacing by the time they are 15-20 years old.
Process Used to Resurface
Professional Resurfacing in Nassau County NY requires a few steps. The first step is to drain the pool and begin the removal of the old material. The repair team may sandblast, chip, or remove the remaining material with pressurized water. The new material goes on once the surface is clean and prepared. An inspection to ensure the integrity of the new surface takes place and then the pool is ready to clean and fill.
Refilling the pool also means introducing all the chemicals to prepare the pool for use. The difficulty of the initial application of these products makes it sensible to have it completed by an expert. Talk to the experts at a pool company or learn more about Sky Blue Pools before attempting to take on a resurfacing project alone.