What Squeaking and Grinding Noises Means For Brakes Beaverton

by | Dec 6, 2013 | Automobiles

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All vehicles come with a recommended timeframe regarding when you should take them to an auto shop such as Du Fresnes Auto Service Inc. in order to get them checked out. For example, if you check in your owner’s manual which should be in your glove box unless you have moved it, you should see how long your brakes should be used before you should have them checked and replaced. Then, you just have to find a shop that offers services for Brakes Beaverton to help you. It is important to keep in mind that the maintenance timelines in your owner’s manual are not really something you should view as friendly suggestions. They are the key to keeping your vehicle running for a long period of time. Fortunately, all vehicles tend to make certain noises when certain parts need fixed such as the brakes in Beaverton. Knowing what these different noises means will make it a lot easier for you to keep your vehicle in top condition.

If you are hearing a high pitched squeaking or squealing noise when you are not applying your brakes it is a sign that your brake pads are getting very thin and need to be replaced as soon as possible. Acting quickly when you hear this noise is going to save you a lot of money and time in the long run.

When you start to hear a grinding noise after you apply your brakes this is a sign that you are having some problems with either your rotors or your drum. These problems are usually caused because your brake pads have been worn completely gone and are providing no more support. Not having your brake pads changed on a regular basis or not paying attention to that high pitched squeaking noise is the reason why you are now having rotor or drum problems. Unfortunately, this is a problem that is going to cost you even more money than the brake pads.

You know your vehicle better than anyone. If your vehicle is not driving normal or it is making a noise you’ve never heard before, just take a trip to an auto shop. You are going to feel a lot better knowing there is nothing wrong or catching a problem early. Visit website for more information.

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