While all lawyers should have the same broad skills and qualifications, not every attorney is right for every job. Finding the right lawyer means finding an attorney with the practical skills and experience to handle a claim and also has a personal philosophy and approach that matches the client’s. To help people searching for a personal injury attorney, here are some questions to ask a Slip And Fall Lawyer in Bismarck ND.
- Is this a good case?
- Sometimes a client is at fault. Other times, the client may be the wronged party, but the likely outcome of a lawsuit will not be in a client’s favor. An attorney should be able to look at a case and assess whether it is a wise way for a client to use resources.
- What is the estimated value of the claim?
- While no attorney can ever guarantee a settlement amount or a jury award, a personal injury attorney can use experience and knowledge to provide an estimated range of recovery for certain injuries. This estimate can help clients evaluate settlement offers and guide decisions about whether or not to go to trial.
- If the claim is not settled, will the same attorney handle a trial?
- Some attorneys focus on getting settlements and will refer clients to trial attorneys when settlement is not possible.
- What type of clients does the firm normally help?
- This question can help a client understand the types of cases that the firm normally handles as well as get an idea of the firm’s client profile.
- How long should it take to resolve this case?
- Like the question about the monetary value of the case, no attorney can guarantee the answer to this question. However, an attorney can draw on personal knowledge and experience with similar cases to provide an estimate of how long it should take to resolve a case.
- What are your fees and how do clients pay?
- Attorneys may charge hourly fees, flat-rate fees, or a percentage of the recovery (contingency) fees. Sometimes, fees are due at the beginning of a case and, in other cases, no fees are due unless the client recovers money.
Want to Learn More?
Have more questions for an attorney? Schedule an appointment with a Slip And Fall Lawyer in Bismarck ND.