What To Expect From A Well-Child Visit

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Healthcare

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Well-baby visits with the pediatrician can begin even before the baby is born. Wichita Family Medicine Specialists recommends setting up an initial visit during pregnancy to talk about health concerns that may come up in the infant’s first few days of life. These typically include feeding, circumcision, and basic infant care. Once the baby is born, he or she will typically see the doctor for well-baby or well-child visits six times in the first year of life, three times in the second year, twice in the third year, and once a year after that.

At a well-child visit, the nurse will measure the child’s height and weight, and the doctor will talk to the parents about what those measurements indicate regarding the child’s health and development. The parents and doctor can then discuss nutrition and other lifestyle factors that could be negatively affecting a child’s growth or weight. Obesity can be a problem even for young children, and doctors encourage parents to be proactive in reversing any trend toward excess weight gain.

The well-child visit is also a time to discuss the child’s overall development and track the child’s developmental milestones. Pediatricians help parents know what to expect as their child is transitioning from one stage of development to another, and parents can talk with the doctor about behavior management strategies that are appropriate at different stages of development.

A well-child visit will also include a complete physical exam. The doctor will check the child’s ears, eyes, and mouth. He or she will listen to the child’s heart and lungs, palpate the abdomen, manipulate the joints, and examine the genitalia. The doctor will look for any signs of infection or abnormality that could indicate a problem that needs to be treated.

Finally, a well-child visit will conclude with any vaccines the child is scheduled to receive. The pediatrician will talk with the parents about the vaccines and go over their purpose and any side effects they might cause. Typically, it is the nurse who administers the shot while the baby or child is in the parent’s lap.

Well-child visits are a very important part of a child’s health care, and it’s important for parents to choose a pediatrician they feel comfortable with. To learn more about the well-child care provided at Wichita Family Medicine Specialists, visit us website.

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