What To Expect From Bail Bonding In Lakeland

by | Oct 22, 2019 | Bail Bonds Service

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In Florida, criminal defendants who receive bail are allowed to leave the county jail if they pay their bail or purchase a bail bond. A bail bond is a more affordable solution and helps defendants get out of jail quickly. A local bondsman explains what to expect from Bail Bonding in Lakeland.

Gathering the Correct Information About the Defendant

The defendant’s representative must give the bail bondsman the defendant’s full name, booking number, and the name of the facility where they are being held. Booking numbers are available through the criminal clerk’s office in the county where the jail is located.

Purchasing the Bail Bond

The bail bond fee is a percentage of the full bail amount. Standard fee range between ten and fourteen percent of the bail. The defendant’s representative pays for the bail bond via check, cash, or credit card payment. If they don’t have money to pay for the bail bond, collateral is accepted.

What Happens After the Bond is Purchased?

After the fee is paid, the bail bondsman visits a criminal court judge and obtains all necessary signatures. The paperwork is taken to the county jail, and the correctional officers complete out-processing for the defendant. All personal belongings are returned to the defendant, and the officers explain the exact terms of the defendant’s release. Any violation of the terms leads to revocation of the bail bond, and the defendant returns to jail.

What are the Expectations of the Bail Bondsman?

The bail bondsman is responsible for the defendant and must ensure that the defendant arrives at court on their scheduled court date. A failure to arrive leads to a failure to appear charge, and a bench warrant is signed for the defendant’s immediate arrest. The FTA causes the bail bondsman to lose their investment, and the full bail amount is required by the court.

In Florida, criminal defendants purchase bail bonds to get out of jail when they cannot afford their bail. Bail bondsmen make the process easier and assist criminal defendants in a variety of ways. Criminal defendants who need more information about Bail Bonding in Lakeland Contact Zona Long Bails Bonds Bartow now.

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