What to Know about Court TV in Los Angeles

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Entertainment And Media

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Many people are familiar with court TV in Los Angeles. There are different shows and litigants bring their cases in front of real judges in front of an audience. These cases are filmed, and they are broadcast on television for people to watch. Many people love to watch court TV to learn more about how the legal system works. In addition, it offers entertainment.

Real Judges

When you watch court TV in Los Angeles, you will see real cases with real litigants and judges. These people come before a panel of judges to let them decide their cases involving a range of civil matters. You can learn a lot about the law and how judges apply it, and you can see what kinds of things people have disputes about. There are television monitors in the courtroom that show video clips that go along with the cases, so you can get a good understanding of what is happening.

Submit Your Case

You can also submit your case for court TV in Los Angeles. You simply fill out a form, submit your case, and the show may choose you to appear on television before a real panel of judges. These judges have extensive experience, and they will listen to the entire case and render a decision based on the evidence and the law. Their decisions are binding, and you may receive an appearance fee for coming on TV to have your case heard. You can have a lot of fun and resolve your case at the same time when you choose this method.

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