What To Know When Attending A Lymphedema School

by | Nov 20, 2015 | Healthcare

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If you are planning to complete a complete lymphedema certification course, which is 135 hours and provides the graduate with the option then complete the LANA or Lymphology Association of North America exam, it is important to choose a top lymphedema school.

Learning as much as you can about the lymphedema school you are considering is important as it will provide you with the opportunity to choose the school with the program that meets your needs. However, top schools will also offer knowledgeable staff and faculty as well as several other additional factors to consider.

Prerequisites for Courses

The top lymphedema school offerings will include a range of programs from a basic training course to provide an introduction to the technique through to full certification. With different levels of training, there can be various prerequisite courses required, and it is always important to ensure you are enrolling in the appropriate level of training.

For a full lymphedema certification program participants will need to be a licensed healthcare professional. This will typically include a range of different licenses including for physical and occupational therapists, medical doctors and nurse practitioners, nurses and licensed massage therapists with national certification or 500 hours of training. Chiropractors and ATC’s are also eligible to complete certification.

Hybrid Options

The best lymphedema school will offer an option of a hybrid type of program. This allows students to complete a home study or online component of the program that is completed before their hands-on training.

In most cases, the home study component of the program will consist of about 45 hours of study, reading and online activities. This helps to reduce the time you have to be away from your current job and your family to complete the course of study.

Once you attend the in-person training, which is usually split over two sessions, you will be required to be in attendance for the full day. This ensures that all students have the practice and the theory needed to master the technique and patient care components.

Mentoring and Consulting

Over and above the actual academic and hands-on aspect of training, a top lymphedema school will also provide support for students.
Mentoring and consulting to assist students in finding placements and working towards their career goals. In addition, the lymphedema school may also offer CEUs in different programs, including those without prerequisites, which can be used to fulfill professional requirements.

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