When tragedy strikes, families are left heartbroken. Losing a loved one is never easy. But finding out that someone else was responsible for the death can make things all the more difficult. In most cases, this means that the death could have been prevented. With the help of a Wrongful Death Attorney in Tacoma, a family has an opportunity to seek out compensation to help them deal with the burden of their loss. This compensation will never be equal to the loss, but it can make dealing with the death and the expenses a little easier.
Medical and Funeral Expenses
After an incident, some victims are able to hang onto life for a couple of hours, a couple of weeks, or even months. During this time, the family bears the responsibility of the medical costs. Once the victim has passed away, the family then needs to take on the cost of burial. With the help of a Wrongful Death Attorney in Tacoma, a family can request that the negligent individual pay for both the medical and funeral expenses.
Loss of Income
When a person dies, his or her income, and potential for income in the future, goes away. For some families, this can have a major impact on their overall financial well being. A lawyer can help a family calculate the current financial loss from the death of a loved one as well as what will be lost in the future. Sometimes these calculations will go all the way up until the victim would have reached retirement age.
Loss of Relationship
The companionship that one person provides to another is immeasurable. That makes seeking out this part of a compensation settlement difficult and why it is not an option in every state. However, it is up to the attorney to show what a family is now missing out on because of the loss of one of its members. In cases involving the loss of a parent by younger children, the attorney has a legitimate way to explain how this loss of companionship could affect the kids. All of these requests for compensation require that a lawyer be able to prove that someone else was liable for the wrongful death of the victim.