If you have a loved one who is no longer capable of taking care of themselves, then it may be time to see about becoming their legal guardian. The process of becoming a legal guardian can be cumbersome and take a great deal of time. You should make sure you are prepared for whatever the courts may throw your way by hiring an experienced attorney to help you with all of your legal proceedings. You can make the process easier on yourself and the attorney you choose by making sure you have a few key documents on hand. The following three items are required to become the legal guardian of an individual who cannot manage their own care. Proof of a Disability This would include the person’s disability award letter, or a statement from a doctor stating concern over the persons ability to take care of themselves. This will help prove to the court that you would be better suited to manage for the care of the person, and will add validity to your case. Do not try to enter into any type of guardian dispute until you have proof that the person cannot make decisions for themselves. ID and Documents Another key element to winning a Guardian in Honolulu HI case is ensuring you have the persons State ID, birth certificate and social security card on hand. This will help prove the persons identity and will be needed in order to solidify your case. Don’t try to enter into a guardianship dispute without having the ID and other sensitive documents of the person in question. Trial Investigation During this stage of the process you want to make sure that you have several individuals who can testify on your behalf. This will include individuals who can attest that you would be better suited to act as guardian than the person. The defendant counsel may also provide witnesses to help prevent you from claiming guardianship. Don’t go into the process of Guardian in Honolulu HI cases alone. Make sure you have the items you need and an experienced attorney on your side. It can be the difference between a successful case and a future headache.
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