When Are Root Canals in Midwest City, OK Necessary?

by | Feb 9, 2017 | Dentistry

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Root canals have historically gotten a pretty bad reputation for being painful. Today’s improved technologies mean that patients requiring Root Canals in Midwest City OK can look forward to a more pleasant experience. Of course, only a qualified dentist can help a patient decide whether a root canal is the best procedure to meet their dental needs. The list below is intended to provide a quick description of some problems typically treated with root canals so that patients can have a better idea of what their options are prior to heading to the dentist.

Pain and Sensitivity

The pain associated with a tooth requiring a root canal is pretty specific. A variety of problems can cause tooth pain, but if the tooth is sensitive only to heat and not cold, there’s a good chance that a root canal will be the best way to treat it. Pain that becomes very severe, sometimes spontaneously without eating or drinking, and causes headaches can be a sign that the root of the tooth is infected and needs to be removed as well.

Abscesses in the Mouth

An infected tooth can, if left untreated, cause abscesses. These often produce swelling and bleeding, which may be significant. Not all teeth requiring root canals will lead to abscesses, but when this does occur it’s important to seek help immediately as they can lead to further medical complications.

Deep Cavities

Surface cavities can usually be treated with a simple filling. However, if the cavity reaches the pulp of the tooth the only solution is to remove it. Depending on whether or not the nerve is affected this may or may not be painful, but either way the pulp and nerve will have to be removed.

Acute Trauma

If a tooth has been dislodged, even if it hasn’t been knocked completely out, the nerve at the end of the root is often severed in the process. The tooth may remain intact for some time after the incident, but without a root canal it will eventually fall out or need to be removed. Deep fractures have a similar effect.

Click here to learn more about Root Canals in Midwest City OK or find a dentist for a consultation.

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