When it comes to lighting, the adage applies. As long as the light you have is sufficient for what you are doing, you’re in pretty good shape. Older models of fluorescent tubes such as the T12 have already been phased out, and specific wattages of the T8 are in the process of being phased out. Moreover, the T5 model tubes are not directly interchangeable for either the T12 or the T8. While tubes are still available to fit these pin sockets, it is a matter of time before they go completely away.
Retrofit and Future-Proof
Very few companies and institutions are still using the 80-year-old technology of T12 lights, and those that are have experienced difficulty in finding tubes and ballasts. Those who were originally using T8’s are starting to experience the same problems. Other fluorescent tubes are likely to be phased out as well. This makes stockpiling tubes and other parts and operational necessity, but a financial misstep. Replacing obsolete fluorescent lights with LED retrofit kits makes sense both regarding future financial expenditure and convenience.
Don’t Believe the Hype
There are any number of rumors about how LED light is dangerous. No light in the visual spectrum is dangerous as long as the intensity is not too high. In other words, don’t look directly at the sun – or any other light source. The concerns about blue light and its effect on circadian rhythms of flight mostly to domestic situations. Blue light is similar to the type of life that we encounter during the day that keeps us wakeful and productive. Exposure at nighttime in the form of streetlights or blue light sources in the home – including tablets, computers, and phones is more disruptive than LED retrofit kits used in an institutional or commercial setting.
So, turn off your phone, your tablet, your computer, and your television and get some sleep.