When Replacement or Roofing Repair in Louisville KY is Necessary

by | Oct 5, 2018 | Roofing

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From rough winter storms to rainy summer nights, the roof on a home can certainly take a hard beating. Shingles fly away in the wind, water can pool causing sinking or leaking and between snow and ice, the roof can have damage that isn’t always seen by the naked eye. Hiring a company that specializes in roofing repair in Louisville KY, can help to make sure that further damage does not happen and can prevent any current damage from getting worse.

When it comes to improving a roof, the decision of whether to repair the damage or replace the roof completely should be a question to consider. Here are a few suggestions to take into account when deciding which route is the best to take for your home.

• The Age of the Roof:

Most roofs will last for about 20 years before needing a full replacement. If the 20-year mark is closely approaching, repairing may get you by for another season or so but keep in mind that a full replacement is fast approaching.

• Early Clues the Roof is Leaking:

Proper yearly maintenance will help to be able to spot any soft areas or signs of water damage. Catching these signs and repairing them quickly, can potentially save you a lot of money for years to come. Some of the signs to look for include:

• Curled or Bulging Shingles

• Cracked Caulk

• Worn Areas Around the Chimney or Pipes on Top

• Mold

Roofing repair in Lousiville KY can be fairly inexpensive and should damage occur unexpectedly like during a storm; homeowners insurance will often cover the cost of the repairs as long as they are taken care of quickly, limiting as much damage as possible. When looking for a repair company, it is a good idea to look for signs that they are a reputable and honest company. Some tips for finding a good roofing repair company include:

• License and Insured

• Reputable Reviews via Online or in Person

• Do They Offer Deduction from the Evaluation When the Repair Takes Place?

Another effective way to look for how well a company is with roofing repair or even replacement is to look at their website. They will often include the words of click here for more information that will tell you exactly what types of roofing repairs they specialize in as not all companies will offer the same services.

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