As a parent, it’s your responsibility to care for your child’s teeth and teach your children good oral hygiene habits that will carry over into their adult lives. As an adult, you know the importance of daily brushing, flossing after meals, and biannual dentist visits. However, when do you start caring for your baby’s teeth and taking them to a Burr Ridge pediatric dentist?
Prenatal Dental Care
When you get pregnant, it’s easy to get consumed with your growing fetus, but you can’t ignore your own personal care. Dental care during pregnancy is especially important. Hormones and abnormal eating habits can negatively impact your teeth. Make a point to stay on top of your own dental care, as it contributes to your overall wellness, which contributes to your baby’s health.
Baby Dental Care
Even before your baby’s teeth emerge, clean the baby’s gums after each meal with a gentle warm cloth. Most babies start getting teeth between 4 – 7 months old. Brush these teeth twice a day with a specialized infant toothbrush. At this point, it’s also a good time to take your baby to a Burr Ridge pediatric dentist for their first dental appointment. The dentist will advise you when you can start using fluoride toothpaste and ensure that the teeth are developing as they should. Continue taking your child to the dentist every 6 months so that they become accustomed to going to the dentist’s office as they get older and grow their adult teeth.
Do you need to take your child to the dentist? Schedule an appointment with Chicago kiDDS Pediatric Dentistry. Visit for more information!