Who Is Eligible for Medical Cannabis in Rio Rancho, NM?

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Cannabis Store

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New Mexico was one of the first states to legalize medical cannabis, in 2007. Since 2021, cannabis has also been legalized for recreational use, but people are still searching for medical cannabis in Rio Rancho, NM. There are a few benefits to having your medical marijuana card, such as tax relief and higher purchase limits, which is why people are still seeking these out despite the overall legality.

Here is a quick guide to figure out if you are eligible for medical cannabis in the state.

You Are a Resident of New Mexico

While you don’t need to be a New Mexico resident to purchase cannabis recreationally, you must show proof of permanent residency to purchase medical cannabis in Rio Rancho, NM. A government ID such as a driver’s license is enough to prove residency.

Your Doctor Assesses That You Require Medical Marijuana

The only way to apply for a medical cannabis license is through a healthcare professional. Your medical provider must initiate the application with the government of New Mexico. They provide documentation that you have a condition that is eligible for medical marijuana treatment.

You must designate a medical marijuana caregiver when applying for this license. That is someone that makes sure that you are not abusing the drug. Your doctor can help you with this process as well.

Once you get your medical marijuana license, you can purchase from a regular recreational cannabis dispensary. You just won’t have to pay extra tax.

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