Why a Professional Alcohol Treatment Center is Necessary

by | May 5, 2015 | Drug Addiction Treatment Center

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People who abuse alcohol may not realize there is a problem until several important areas of their lives have already become adversely affected. It is common for them to have the belief they are still in control of their alcohol consumption and can kick the habit without outside help; this is commonly referred to as denial. Friends and family members may not know how to approach the subject with their loved one because of the defensive reactions and refusal to accept the existence of a real problem. Residents of the Pasadena area who find their alcohol consumption is high, life circumstances and relationships are becoming strained and the denial of a problem or defensiveness about drinking is present, could benefit from seeking assistance from a professional Pasadena alcohol treatment center. Alcohol addiction is a chronic disease which requires expert treatment. Detailed below you’ll find a few reasons why professional help is necessary.

Danger to Your Health and Well-being

The over-consumption of alcohol leads to a chemical dependence in order to achieve a state of relaxed well-being. Once your tolerance level is established it takes more alcohol to achieve the same effect and this in turn causes higher levels of alcohol to be required by your body in order to achieve the same effect. You may notice withdrawal symptoms when you try to cut back or quit. This is how physical dependence can affect your body. The signs of withdrawal can include shakiness, anxiety, nausea, sweating and irritability – just to name a few. There are several ways which alcohol abuse can cause you harm, as it can result in damage to your internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys and heart.

Alcoholism can also lead to strained and damaged relationships with friends, loved ones, neighbors, co-workers and can lead to issues in the work place. Missing work to nurse a hangover or to participate in an event which involves alcohol use is a strong signal you have a drinking problem which needs to be addressed.

Inability to Quit on Your Own

Alcoholism is a chronic disease which may have its origins in the genes passed on by family members, or can be induced by stressful life situations creating the need for an escape from reality – or more accurately, the stress. The typical response for people with an addiction to alcohol is to resort to drinking during times of stress or anxiety. Most people who suffer from alcoholism do not understand enough about the disease or themselves to totally and safely cease drinking on their own.

Pasadena alcohol treatment centers provide people in the area with the knowledge and tools which will help them achieve and maintain sobriety. ASAP Rehab provides a small and intimate setting for clients who are in the recovery process, with individual attention and guidance in reaching goals which will help in changing life for the better. For more information about how their caring and compassionate staff can assist you in your journey towards improved health and wellness, contact them to schedule a tour of the facility. They are a Pasadena alcohol treatment center which provides superior individual care and attention for each of their clients.

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