Why Hiring Individual Divorce Attorneys Mequon WI Makes Sense

by | Apr 21, 2014 | Lawyers

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Facing the prospect of a divorce is never an easy thing. This is true even when both parties agree that the marriage is not working, and they would be better off going their separate ways. While the temptation to use only one attorney in what seems to be an amicable divorce action is strong, the experts at Fraker Law Firm S.C. Mequon suggest resisting that urge. Both parties should hire individual divorce attorneys Mequon WI if they want the divorce action to proceed without any delays.

Why Individual Counsels for Each Party?

It may seem ridiculous to go to the expense of hiring two attorneys when both parties have worked out what seems to be all the details about property, child custody, and support issues. While all that cooperation will certainly help things along, few couples discuss everything in advance. This is simply because they may not be aware of every detail that must be ironed out as part of the divorce settlement. When each party has an attorney to protect his or her interests, coming to equitable terms on those remaining issues will be much easier.

In addition, attorneys for each party will be aware of any specific laws that have to do with the dissolution of a marriage within the state. This is important, since there is the need to determine the grounds for the divorce, use the current legal methods to arrive at amounts for child support and alimony, and even how the property owned jointly by the couple will be distributed. The attorneys can look over what the two parties have already discussed and make sure those ideas are in compliance with current laws. That will help to prevent any details from causing some delays once the petition does reach the judge.

When Things Take Another Turn

There’s always the chance that what starts out as an amicable divorce action can turn into something more complicated. One party may have a change of heart and decide to contest the divorce. Perhaps one party decides that he or she wants more of the joint property than originally discussed. A parent who was initially open to providing full custody to the other parent may decide that joint custody is a better arrangement. Should any of these events come to pass, the two divorce attorneys in Mequon WI can work through those issues before anything is presented to the court. Visit website for more details.

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