Why Pilot Testing Is a Great Way to Earn CPE Credit

by | Feb 12, 2014 | Financial Services

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Credits are required to maintain your licensure across many professions. However, online courses can be tricky to budget. Pilot testing is a great way to earn CPE credits at a discounted price. Pilot testing involves a group of volunteers taking the course, testing out the hours given, the content and any problems regarding the information itself. All courses must be pilot tested before they are released, so it remains a great way to boost your credits while saving money.

What Does a Pilot Tester Need to Do?

A CPE continuing professional education pilot tester will be required to do many things throughout the duration of the course. They will need to report the time taken to complete the course, submit a statement of independence from the developing group, perform an evaluation and finish with a grade 70% or higher. You will also be asked to note any mistakes present in the course, so it can be modified before it is presented to the public. Online pilot courses do not involve any course expenses. If a book is required to complete the course, then you may be asked to purchase this book at your own expense. Some online course providers allow you to purchase books at a discounted price to offset the cost.

How Many People Are Required When Performing a Pilot Test?

The AICPA/NASBA states that a minimum of three people must take part in a pilot test at any time. Most providers aim for ten people. However, this largely depends on the course. Some pilot courses require you to have a set level of experience in the area to ensure the information provided is suited to experienced professionals. Usually a pilot test takes around one to three weeks, giving you more than enough time to complete the course. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate stating your participation, and the credits that are awarded are the same as the credits you would receive after completing a standardized online CPE course. Pilot testing is a great way to get the credits you need to excel, and there are always endless opportunities regarding each profession.


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