Why Should People Consider a Divorce Lawyer in Jefferson County MO?

by | Apr 14, 2015 | Lawyers

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The end of a marriage is something no one wants to have to face. Not only does divorce lead to the end of a relationship, but it also causes issues with child custody, support, property splits and debt settlement. Unfortunately, not all couples can work together to reach a proper settlement. This is why it is important people are represented by a Divorce Lawyer in Jefferson County MO. Having a lawyer represent your best interests and rights can make a big difference in how a divorce case proceeds.

At the first consultation appointment, the lawyer will work to gather as much evidence as possible. This will prove beneficial in starting the process of ending the marriage. The first step that will need to be taken is filing the divorce petition. Along with the petition, the lawyer must also submit the reason or grounds for the divorce. Grounds that are considered fault grounds must be accompanied by evidence to support the reason.

Once the other party in the marriage has been served, the process can sometimes proceed quickly. If the other party does not agree with the divorce and contests it, the court proceedings may take longer.

Sometimes, lawyers will meet with both parties in the marriage to see if an amicable solution can be found to end the marriage. Through these talks, issues surrounding a divorce can be settled. Settlements work to legally decide on custody, support, and other issues. Once both parties sign the settlement agreement, it becomes legally binding.

Some people are unable to settle outside of court because they cannot come to an agreement. In these cases, the issues surrounding the divorce will be settled in court through the family law judge.

Though going through a divorce is never easy, working with a Divorce Lawyer in Jefferson County MO can help. A lawyer can help a person to make tough decisions without relying on their emotions. Contact Wegmann Law Firm and allow them to schedule you for a consultation appointment. They can help to end your marriage as amicably as possible so you can start your new life. Call them today for your appointment.

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