Why Try Laser Hair Rejuvenation in Lancaster, PA?

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Healthcare

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There are a few reasons to try Laser Hair Rejuvenation in Lancaster PA. One reason is because the process is non-invasive. There are no hair plugs to insert, no donor sites to be disturbed, and no graphing that takes place. Light therapy, delivered via low-level lasers, stimulates natural hair growth. This method is most successful in treating early stages of male baldness and thinning hair in women due to hormone imbalance. The treatment is also approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Surgical procedures are expensive, require recovery time, and may not always be successful. They are an option, but may not be the best one to try at first.

Another reason is that treatment is more cost-effective than other methods of restoring hair. Many people notice results in a short period of time, and it is possible to reduce the number of treatments once hair begins to grow. Combining the treatment with hormone therapy in women often results in longer-lasting results. Hormone imbalances occur in women as part of the natural life cycle and aging process. Stress, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and reduced nutrition from over-processed foods can exacerbate the degree hormones become imbalanced. Some companies, such as the BeBalanced Center, for example, focus on restoring the balance of hormones to improve life quality.

The best reason to try Laser Hair Rejuvenation in Lancaster PA is that it works for most people. It is a quick, easy, and convenient way to restore natural hair growth. It also restores confidence and self-esteem. In addition to laser therapy, center locations also offer solutions for weight loss, mood stabilization, and pain relief. Professionals conduct hormone testing, discuss issues and concerns with clients, and develop customized treatment plans to meet desired goals. Many people do not realize that many conditions are caused by hormones, and they feel helpless to correct the problem. Understanding the problems, and taking steps to balance their hormones, can provide relief from a number of issues and conditions. Imbalanced hormones can lead to depression, muscle aches, headaches, weight gain, mood swings, bloating, and hair loss, among other conditions. People can visit the website for detailed information on treatments offered, services available, and center locations.

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