Why Would You Need Art Crating in Los Angeles?

by | Apr 22, 2014 | Moving

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It takes masterful skills and plenty of talent to create a work of art that’s considered collectible and valuable. It also takes serious skill to know just how to safeguard such a work of art after it’s created. This is especially so when a painting, sculpture or other valuable item needs to be transported. That’s why artists, gallery owners, art buyers and collectors all insist on art crating in Los Angeles before transporting items of value.

Just What is Art Crating?

Art crating involves the creation of customized boxes for the transport of delicate items such as paintings, valuable pieces of glass, antique furniture and so on. This is a highly specialized skill that takes time to master. When an expert is contracted to handle a job, the process involves:

  • Gaining insights into the items to be shippedArt crating in Los Angeles often involves paintings and other works of art. Before a crater can go to work, however, he or she will need to know the types of materials to be shipped, their dimensions and weight.
  • Creating the packaging – In order to protect canvases from puncturing, glass from breaking and wood from water damage, for example, art craters craft specialty boxes for each item. These boxes are often hand made from wood and are designed to work in conjunction with other packaging materials to ensure safe transit or storage of high end items. While the resulting wooden crates will cost more to transport due to their weight, they also provide a great deal more protection for valuables than mere cardboard could ever hope to offer.

How to Hire the Best?

If you require art crating in Los Angeles, it does pay to take the time to review prospective hires. Ideally, the company you work with will be able to handle all aspects of shipping for you. This might include not only creating
customized crates for valuables, but also:

  • Storage – Some of the best companies that deal with museum-quality pieces also offer onsite, museum grade storage. This means climate controlled, access controlled, highly secured storage.
  • Shipping and logistics – Let’s say you need a one-of-a-kind painting shipped from Los Angeles to an address on the East Coast. Would you want to ship that painting through just any delivery service? The best crating companies also provide their customers with shipping options that ensure safe and expedient deliver.
  • Experience that elicits confidence – Sending a high end piece out for shipping can be a scary proposition. The best craters have years of experience in the field and they treat your items like their own. This means you can count on them to deliver your items safe and sound.

Need to look into art crating in Los Angeles? Be sure to visit our website

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