Why You Should Choose Glass Water Pipes for Smoking

by | Jul 18, 2014 | Shopping

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Glass pipes have become the defacto way to smoke. They not only provide a more consistent hit, but they are easier on the lungs on the whole. Glass is excellent becomes it leaves no taste and does not create any additional fumes when they have been heated over a long period of time. They are the choice of many who are looking for a healthier and more consistent option. A few of the different reasons why choosing a glass pipe over the alternatives is the right choice include;

The Healthy Option

Did you know that smoking out of a glass water pipe is the healthiest option available? Not only does it keep you from inhaling vapors that would otherwise be problematic, but is also filters the smoke through the water, which is much less harsh on the throat than the other types of pipes.

Great Designs

Glass water pipes are also known for their beautiful, intricate designs. Water pipes can range in price from just a few dollars, to several hundred depending on the style of the pipe and intricacy of the design. When evaluating water pipes, determine what you would like to spend, as this will effect the type of design that you will be able to afford.

Less Stale Smoke

Leaving smoke in the chamber for anything more than a few seconds will make it begin to go stale. Avoiding stale smoke is an important consideration for anyone that takes the taste of the materials seriously when smoking. Water pipes help to keep smoke from going stale so quickly, which can improve your smoking sessions quite a bit.

Carb for Clean Hits

Most water pipes also include carbs, which are a hole in the side of the chamber that is covered by a finger when taking your hit. Then, the thumb is removed, providing another source for air flow and allowing the user to “clear” the chamber of the rest of the smoke. This creates a clean and consistent hit that does not bother the lungs like it would coming from your more conventional glass pipe.

One of the biggest benefits of a glass water pipe is the fact that it provides a clean and healthy overall experience for the user. Water pipes are certainly the better choice for everyday smokers and those that want to maintain excellent health. There are many different types of pipes out there, but water pipes are probably the best option for those that want a healthy option that provides a clean hit.

There are multiple reasons to consider purchasing glass smoking water pipes from Wholesale Glass Smoking Pipes as they provide a cleaner, more consistent option.

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