Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Visiting General Dentists in Upland, CA

by | May 22, 2017 | Dentistry

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The majority of adults admit that they do not see their dentists for their annual cleanings but this could be doing far more harm than you think. For example, general dentists are not just there to clean your teeth and then send you on your way for a year. These professionals search for a wide range of potential problems, some of which could go unnoticed and yet be life-threatening.


One of the most common things found by general dentists in Upland, CA is a cavity and this is formed when the outer layer of your tooth is decayed by sugars and acids in your food, exposing the vulnerable inner tissue. If you do not visit your dentist for your regular checkup, this cavity could continue to grow deeper and larger, eventually killing the tooth entirely or causing you to require a root canal. If you even suspect that you might have one, you cannot afford to wait and hope that it will go away on its own because it will most certainly not go anywhere without treatment.

Periodontal Disease

Otherwise known as gum disease, periodontal disease is when the gums become infected due to a buildup of plaque and bacteria in the mouth. This can be caused by many things but it is most commonly a result of poor oral hygiene, such as never brushing your teeth. General dentists at facilities such as Upland Smile Center will look at your gums to determine if they are healthy and he or she will also check to see if your gums are pulling away from the teeth.

No matter what, you must have a regular checkup at least once a year at your dentist’s office. This is not just to poke instruments into your mouth; rather, it could save you from getting dentures or, worse, losing your life.

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