As an extremely versatile synthetic rubber, neoprene has existed since the 1930s and is commonly used in a variety of industries, often electronics, where it is used, after being formed through neoprene molding, as protective casing for fragile and sensitive electronic devices; to keep the dust out.
Valued for Its Flexibility
Some businesses only make and sell items that have been manufactured within their own neoprene molding equipment. This is potentially because the neoprene rubber stays flexible when worked within a variety of temperatures.
Many manufacturers use neoprene molding equipment to produce products that are extremely durable and resistant to most weather conditions. Being able to deflect many chemicals, it stands out when compared to most synthetic rubber options.
Use in The Auto Industry
You will almost certainly have come across neoprene rubber products when you have had to replace parts on your vehicle. You will find a range of hoses, gaskets and timing belts made from neoprene. It is often used around electrical parts both in autos and within your home electronics, to prevent dust from reaching circuit boards and other delicate areas.
Within manufacturing plants, in industry, the product will be used for mounting pads, conveyor belts and other products that are affected by vibration. These finished products are made in molds and provide a finished unit that requires very little finishing after it exits the mold.
You may have come across neoprene sports gear. You may recognize it as ankle guards or wetsuits and many fishing experts prefer it as the equipment for their waders, because it works so well in terrible weather conditions.
Other advantages to neoprene is its ability to resist the sun’s UV rays and because it is also resistant to flames and is great for buoyancy, companies can design a range of products that can all be manufactured within a professionally designed mold.